Wine Spritzer Iris

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Quick Overview

Wine Spritzer Iris, Iriswarehouse, standard dwarf bearded iris, Hybridizer, Virginia Messick, R. 1996, 9" Early bloom. Standards lavender rose; Falls pinkish rose, wine spot; beards light blue; ruffled. Parentage: ('Sherlock' x 'Inflamed') X 'Clay's Caper. Be sure to try some dwarf irises in the front of the garden. They multiply quickly and are a joy to see early in spring!

Wine spritzer iris

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  • Wine spritzer iris


Wine Spritzer Iris, Iriswarehouse, standard dwarf bearded iris, Hybridizer, Virginia Messick, R. 1996, 9" Early bloom. Standards lavender rose; Falls pinkish rose, wine spot; beards light blue; ruffled. Parentage: ('Sherlock' x 'Inflamed') X 'Clay's Caper. Be sure to try some dwarf irises in the front of the garden. They multiply quickly and are a joy to see early in spring!